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    The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu




    RUSH: It was the biggest dud of a storm I have ever seen.

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    RUSH: Who was it that predicted this was going to happen? I think it was your host. Your host here of 32 years and counting on the EIB Network.

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    RUSH: I missed this headline blaring all over media today.

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    RUSH: The story that I can tell you very quickly that made me realize that I had to be really careful with satire and parody, do you all remember the Slim Whitman satanic message bit?

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    RUSH: The reason they don't want any debates is because specifically of Joe Biden and his inability to do one.

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    RUSH: I got a great opportunity here to illustrate the way the left thinks things happen on this program, and it's current.

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    RUSH: They are in the process of a massive derailment.



    RUSH: The average American thinks 9% of the country's already died from COVID.

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    Bari Weiss Affirms What I Told You About Twitter

    RUSH: This is Bari Weiss. This is the former op-ed editor, New York Times, who quit.

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    Why the Left Wants to Destroy Ellen DeGeneres

    RUSH: So she must really be something much worse than her image.


    Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

    RUSH: Get the stories that I talk about as the program unfolds before your eyes and ears, plus a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's a real-time base feature, not just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.

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    RUSH: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is worried about the Big Apple. It’s starting to dawn on the guy that economic pain is coming to Manhattan.

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    Rush’s Famous Quotes

    "I’m telling you, folks, the Democrat Party is not this monolith, marching like a hot buttered knife through American society melting all opposition. It isn’t doing anything of the sort."

    "Professional sports has a Marxist organization as its marketing director now. That would be Black Lives Matter. This is the most incredible thing."

    "Folks, it is clear the American people, a majority, have no interest in watching something with BLM all over the pitcher’s mound, Black Lives Matter all over the signage in ballparks. They don’t want to tune in and watch a bunch of players kneeling during the American national anthem. They just don’t want to see it."

    "You cannot escape that there has been a politicization of everything. And the politicization of weather is about climate change."

    "The two number-one characteristics apparently for the Biden vice presidential pick happen to be skin color and whether or not the person has a cervix."

    "The Democrat Party right now, folks, is a train wreck. Instead, though, it is portrayed as a tour de force by the Drive-By Media."

    "Joe Biden is not capable of debate, much less a coherent conversation. And, by the way, there are people who are close to Secret Service agents around the guy who claim it’s getting even worse. I mean, really problematically worse."

    "You know, I never watch local news anymore. Don't know why. I just don't. But I did for the purposes of study. And they're reporting something that's not happening. They're talking about the surge. They're talking about the high winds. Here! They're talking about the rain. There was nothing going on here!"

    "I hope you people at the BBC are getting this, because you are participating in a hoax, in a fraud. There is no man-made global warming."

    "I realize a lot of you don't care about this because you don't live where hurricanes hit. I know. Before I lived here I didn't care either. And in fact I'll tell you this. After a hurricane passes by here I don't care anymore."

    "The Democrats have not taken the time to understand why Trump won and they have not tried to understand the bond that Trump voters have with him. Same thing here. They assume that you people are idiots, that you’re mind-numbed robots and I’m some Svengali and you’re so stupid you’re waiting for marching orders from me every day."

    "Rush and the EIB Network, starting our 33rd year. You realize, our 33rd year, and 30 of those years have been spent as the most-listened-to radio talk show in the country. It's exciting. And I thank you. We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts here. You all are the ones who have made it possible."

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